Tuesday, November 11, 2008

everything's just becoming more...

the work load, MORE demanding. imagine forcing you a good one whole week of staying late in the office just to accomplish more, just so that we could accommodate the next thing on the list. ugh, is this the consequence of having 13th month pay? hmmm...

the christmas season, nearing MORE. fine, im starting to become the grinch. but hey, it's during these times that work just starts to pile for some unknown reason i have yet to discover. or maybe let be, simply because i have insufficient time to investigate.

the wind, MORE cold. im loving the fact that it is cold. maybe its because at least i know that the wind is colder than what im feeling right now. ok emo mode.

the 13th month pay, MORE than what i have expected. yes, i imagined something less, since i heard someone having less. but woah, thank you very much for the unexpected amount. now i can sleep knowing i have something to spend in cebu. whew.

now, with all things growing MORE, im starting to hate it. i cant accommodate everything at the same time. im human, and i dont have soecial powers to flex myself and take in everything that's been taking place. shux, im starting to be unproductive. no,  inefffective. everything i juggled so well before started to fall at the same time. and im desperately picking each one while juggling whats left of me. shit.

ok back to work. MORE work, that is
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